
Introducing Saladin

Submitted by mimec on

I already mentioned the side project that I'd been thinking about for some time; because I actually made some progress with it, I think it's time to reveal the secret. I started thinking about this project when I switched from Windows XP to 64-bit Windows 7 (which was a great step forward, I must admit) and I was looking for a free dual-panel file manager which would be working nicely with it. To my surprise, most such programs are 32-bit only, which make it difficult to work with various shell extensions which are in turn 64-bit. The only one which I found and I'm using at the moment is slow and crashes a lot. So I thought that creating such program by taking advantage of both the newest Windows Shell API and the Qt framework wouldn't be very difficult, and that's how the idea slowly started to grow and coming to shape.

The name "Saladin" is obviously a sort of a tribute to Krusader, one of the greatest file managers for Linux. Obviously I'm not endorsing the "holy war" between Windows and Linux on either side; actually I've been promoting cross-platform software for a long time. But I decided to make an exception and this time create a project which is not only purely Windows-oriented, but what's more, requires at least Windows Vista or newer. That requirement makes creating it significantly easier and that's exactly what I need, because I don't wish to spend a lot of time working on this project; it's supposed to fulfill my own requirements in the first place and conquering the world is not its purpose.

OK, enough puns; I'm obviously going to publish the first version of Saladin as soon as it's more or less usable and we'll see where it goes from there. But working on version 1.0 of WebIssues will remain my first priority in the nearest future (like it's been for 16 months already). I just released the second alpha version and I'm going to start working on the most difficult part after returning from vacations. I'm also planning to release version 0.9.7 of the client quite soon, because it's been a while since the last stable version was released and some bugs were discovered that need to be fixed. So a lot of work awaits me by the end of this year and I hope that when it's done, I will be able to dedicate more time to other things.



Submitted by mimec on

Both projects I'm involved in are close to their deadlines. The project I do "for living" will soon have the first release for 18 months and it's going to be quite a big event. However all coding is mostly done and the client is far behind with testing, so it looks like I'm out of the woods now and there will be no big rush in the nearest future. I have to devote more time to WebIssues because I have still a lot to do and I must make the release before the end of this month (i.e. before the wedding).

Initially I thought that the first alpha version will be done by the end of last year, then I moved the deadline to the first quarter of 2010 and I'm still far behind. At the moment there are no big changes and actually some of the features that existed in version 0.x will be temporarily removed (including watches and notifications), but on the other hand there will be a web client which is being created from scratch, without relying on any third party framework, and actually a custom sort of a framework is being created along the way.

I'm very satisfied with the results, but in the initial phase it requires a lot of work and rewriting some things many times until a good, reusable solution is reached. Fortunately there is no pressure from marketing or sales (I guess that's one of the freedoms associated with free software). Besides I'm a bit oversensitive when it comes to code quality, but I treat WebIssues as some way of dealing with bad code offsets (although I must admit that my commercial project is not particularly bad code given the industry standards ;).

It's been four years

Submitted by mimec on

The website was brought online exactly four years ago. As usual I'm using the anniversary as an opportunity to summarize the passing year. The number of visitors of this and the related sites steadily continues to grow twice a year and exceeded 200,000 this year. Fraqtive was downloaded over 6,000 times, just like last year, even though no new version was released so far; I'm going to make a new release later this week though. Finally my "flagship" project, WebIssues, experienced more than threefold increase in the number of downloads, almost reaching 10,000, and that makes me very happy.

After many doubts I eventually decided to take the risk and start working on version 1.0. It turned out to be quite a challenge, especially because I was doing everything from scratch and I had to learn PHP web development by experimenting on a living body. Fortunately I managed to extend the development team, which also proved incredibly difficult. It looks like most people who have the right experience to participate in such complex project very quickly lose their enthusiasm for work if they don't do it for money. It's not a very good omen for the free software, but I believe that those remaining dedicated units can still make a difference.

In my personal life it was also a very important year. Teresa and I are now engaged and we're planning to get married in June next year :). Besides almost everything is in place in our new flat, including the modest home theater I recently bought. It's really good to finally have a place of my own. I also traveled quite a lot this year - short vacations in Germany, festival in France, holidays in Spain, not to mention two trips with my company to Prague and Zell am See in Austria. Now I look forward to spending Christmas with my family and take some rest from coding and everything else.

Qt articles updated

Submitted by mimec on

Today I released new versions of all three Qt articles of mine: Modern Qt style for Windows, Simple XML-based UI builder for Qt4 and Simple template-based relational database. All contain minor improvements and bug fixes made during development of the latest version of WebIssues. The most popular one, the Windows modern style, was downloaded over 800 times and is used in a few applications, including commercial ones. Thanks for all support and donations I received so far!

In a few days I will also release new stable versions of both the WebIssues Client and WebIssues Server. This time there will be no preceding beta releases and only minor improvements and bug fixes will be included because I'm trying to dedicate most of my free time for development of version 1.0. However a good news for Mac users is that an OS X binary package of the WebIssues Client will be available.

Because of that the new version of Fraqtive will be released a bit later; I'm going to start working on it soon so you can expect a new release in December. Although I'd like very much to also release WebIssues 1.0-alpha1 by the end of this year, it will most likely be delayed as well. Over the past few months many people had been coming and going from the WebIssues Team but sadly until recently none of them had made any serious contribution to it. But things are improving - as usually, it seems, near the end of a year.

Vacations in Spain

Submitted by mimec on

Traditionally at this time of year I spent vacations in the Mediterranean area, this time it was Spain and this time I went with my girlfriend :). It was a 7+7 trip - seven days travelling around the country and seven days stay on Costa Brava in a nice all-inclusive hotel just near the beach. We visited all major cities - Saragossa, Madrit, Toledo, Cordoba, Sevilla, Granada, Barcelona, and more. It's a great country with very rich culture.

I was quite funny when we went to Gibraltar. By plain coincidence Teresa was wearing a white shirt and a red skirt, Polish national colors, which apparently happen to be Gibraltar national colors as well. At that day there was a national holiday so everyone were celebrating in the streets wearing white and red clothes; people took her for a Gibraltarian and sometimes it was quite difficult to find her in the crowds :). Anyway, it was a nice thing to experience a tiny bit of Great Britain (especially that I've never been to England) and drink a Guinness in a British pub :).

Another thing that I've seen for the first time was the famous economic crisis. You see, in Poland crisis only appears in some newspapers and in the mouths of some populist politicians; we're the only country in EU to have positive GDP growth rate and one of the lowest unemployment rate (although sadly some companies, especially large ones, still find an excuse to save costs on their employees). But Spain was heavily struck with the crisis; unemployment rate is growing near to 20% and a very visible symptom is unfinished building constructions in many places, including an entire commercial center near Granada.

Now I'm back to the serious work on version 1.0 of WebIssues which I mentioned in my previous post; a nice piece of the server's framework is already done, the protocol handler is rewritten and a new setup script is mostly finished. Although my initial attempts to gather a development team had failed, it looks like I finally found a good partner, so chances are the prototype of the web client is going to emerge soon. I'm also going to start defining the new features for version 1.0; there are lots of requests from users but obviously everything cannot be done at once and I want to avoid the second-system effect so I'm going to be conservative :). Also in October I'm going to finally release a new version of Fraqtive with minor bug fixes and improvements and I will update the Qt articles, so it looks like the last quarter of this year is going to be very productive.